Vision and philosophy of JPS
Knowledge serves as the cornerstone around which a child's personality is shaped. We nurture children to value and respect the diversity and develop harmonious relations with others.
Honesty and Truthfulness
Educating students is what every organisation does. We believe in preparing students for life and hence, we hone their unique skills that can imbibe honesty and truthfulness in their work and life.
Striving for Excellence
Excellence in every aspect is what we believe in. It is incomplete if it is transitory; we strive hard to evolve excellence among the children. By imparting seamless knowledge and steady learning, we ensure that they grow up acquiring positive attitude and a thirst to achieve beyond excellence.
In fact, understanding the significance of values and learning, we endeavour to encourage holistic development in the children. Academic excellence takes the front seat for the foundation of learning. To unleash the unique calibre in every child, we strive towards enriching our students with value based education and individual care, so that they can grow up as global leaders.